

Mar 18, 2023

Facing the future of AI


Julian Perry


Julian Perry casts a look ahead to what artificial intelligence could spell for dentistry.

Modern dentistry is about ‘doing the right thing’. In other words, acting in the best interest of the patient.

In 2023, this means going digital – digital records, digital interrogation and proper data to confirm best outcomes. There is a distinct move towards objective analysis rather than subjective opinion – data-driven analysis and probability assessment is coming to both medicine and dentistry.

Intraoral scanners are a hot topic in this area, and with good reason – we know that digitalisation reduces risk, and can therefore improve practice and reduce the likelihood of patient complaints and claims. Yet, at the time of writing, less than 10% of UK dentists have embraced them.

While the use of intraoral scanners is increasing (and will eventually be firmly embedded in everyday practice), at Densura, we think the real future of dentistry lies in artificial intelligence (AI).

We already have excellent AI interrogation of radiographs which, in studies, diagnose more accurately than the human eye. A leading technology partner in this regard is Pearl (where the image here has been taken from), but there are others.

But this is the tip of the iceberg. We are already seeing huge investment in the AI-driven examination, and we envisage the future to look a little like this:

AI is going to be the future of dentistry. Get on board or get left behind!

At Densura, we know all about digital dentistry, and welcome practitioners to contact us to discuss any queries that they may have about this emerging technology and the safeguarding issues that such tech might bring.

For more information visit


Julian Perry casts a look ahead to what artificial intelligence could spell for dentistry.